Over the last decade, thousands of schools have been built in Africa to provide universal access to education. Without trained teachers, strong management, and high-quality learning materials, many of these schools are failing to produce quality results.
That’s where we are different.
Our eSchool 360 program provides locally-hired teachers with a tablet and projector to deliver eLearning lessons, using interactive resources that move away from traditional rote learning. We give teachers weekly coaching and professional development to help them improve their pedagogical and technology skills.
This model is running in 40+ schools and impacting over 6,000 students. Our most recent seventh grade graduates passed their examinations at a rate of 86%, compared to the district-wide average of 55%.
We reach girls and young women to ensure they can continue in school and thrive, encompassing programs on sports, empowerment, and menstrual health hygiene.
Using the classroom as a starting point, we design and implement projects to improve the overall health of our students, including child protection, life skills and sexuality.
Using Evidence-Based Approaches
We believe in making decisions using high-quality, independent evidence.

Externally validated results.
In 2017, we embarked on a 35-school expansion project with a randomized controlled trial conducted by American Institutes for Research. The midline evaluation, conducted 14 months after children started school for the first time, found statistically significant impacts over the control group on enrollment, literacy scores and numeracy scores.
The evaluation will continue through 2021 to determine what impact our programs have on academic learning.
15% increase in enrollment
103% increase in literacy scores
55% increase in numeracy scores
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