"Age is just a number when you are passionate about something..."

This week’s email comes from Elida Banda, our Projects Officer who is leading our NetGirls Zambia league this year again!

You can do or be anything at any age, no matter how young or old you are.

Today we highlight Edith Phiri, one of our NetGirls Zone Facilitators. Edith truly inspires us with her desire to help young women and girls in her community.

“I am not concern about how old I am. My passion is what is driving me. I am passionate about helping the young women and girls. Am motivated to do that because I love it and it’s my passion”.

Edith Phiri was born in 1964 and joined Impact Network as a NetGirls Zone Facilitator in 2018. Every year since then, she has led the coordination of the netball league teams in her area, attending every game to organize the field and referee. She’s supported the players, and diligently tracked each teams’ standing. In 2020, when the games were cancelled due to COVID, she did not hesitate to facilitate other Impact Network sponsored projects when asked to do so.

“I am so happy working for Impact Network because it has continued giving me so much opportunities to interact with young women and girls in many activities like the menstrual pad project, tree planting and the netball league. Helping young women and girls is something I enjoy doing and it is my passion. I like using my time and opportunities that I am given in the community to advise young women especially girls to never take opportunities for granted in life. One piece of advice I like giving to girls who are still schooling is to always let school come first in everything that they do. I enjoy spending time and advising the young women and girls because I feel they could learn from me and my experience as I mostly use my experiences as examples.”

Never should you use age as an excuse for not fulfilling your ambitions and heart’s desire, or you might regret missing the opportunity. You don’t have to be young or in your prime to chase your dreams; you can chase them at any stage of life!

We appreciate Edith and the three other NetGirls Zone Facilitators for their dedication to the project and the positive difference they are making in the lives of hundreds of women and girls in Katete, Zambia.

Reshma Patel