Celebration time!


This week, our team commemorated our ten year anniversary in Lusaka with a panel discussion on reaching rural students. I highlighted our findings from our recent evaluation by American Institutes for Research (AIR), and the President of AIR, David Myers, spoke about our partnership and work together to kick-off the event. The team was honored that he was able to join us in Lusaka!

The highlight – for everyone I’m sure – was the incredible student performances! Ms. Naomi Banda, one of our teachers at Kanyelele, led a group of five students who performed a special poem and songs for our guests. They were outstanding. But more than that, they represented everything that Impact Network has worked to cultivate in each of our 6,000 students – a mastery of language and English, creativity, and a fearlessness to perform in front of a large audience. I could not be more proud of them, and I could not be more proud of our team.


katie kerr