Earth Warriors!
Earlier this year, teachers from grades 1 to 4 gathered to share their views on the successes and challenges in teaching Earth Warriors lessons. During these lessons, students from grades 1 to 4 at Impact Network are taught about the pressing environmental issues faced by our planet. By raising awareness and providing practical solutions for a more sustainable future, students are inspired to act in their own communities.
Earth Warrior activities in the classroom
While topics such as water scarcity, pollution and cutting down trees are easier to relate to, many aspects of climate change are difficult to grasp. Topics, such as the effect of climate change on the arctic and the effects on the rest of the world, need more explanation and support. Can you fully understand what the arctic is without ever having felt snow? Pictures, videos and concrete examples help students understand better what is going on. Because teachers do not have ready access to reference books or the Internet, they rely on the program and curriculum team for appropriate visual support.
We discussed teachers' and students' most popular activities such as exploring the school environment. The songs and stories also consistently book success with the students. A ceremony where they are praised as ‘warriors’ motivates time and again. Pupils go home proud to also teach their families about the impact of climate change and possible solutions. Teachers shared additional examples from the communities that could be used to make the teaching materials even more attractive and relatable.
Impact Network students planting trees
Earth Warriors proceeded to work with the feedback and suggested an additional package for our teachers to test. In a second round of feedback in July, Laura and Olivia from Theirworld joined the panel to gather input. As always, we could count on our engaged teachers who provided constructive feedback and tried to translate the materials to the classroom floor as best they could. Every picture, activity and definition was scrutinized. Only when teachers are fully comfortable and familiar with the material can it be successfully conveyed to students. Thank you all for your commitment!
We hope that with this program, all of our students can become Earth Warriors for a better world!
-John Lungu, our Curriculum Coordinator, and Eleni Schoelynck, our Education Specialist