Engaging parents as partners in education leads to greater success for learners..."
As we closed the term, all Impact Network teachers held a special parent engagement day event at all the schools. The theme for the event was “Secondary School and Beyond! Planning for the Future.” As such, activities and discussion for this day encouraged parents and learners to discuss future goals for attending school and pursuing a career/livelihood. The parent engagement day was very interesting and characterized with lots of fun through role plays, songs, poems, and career dress up. Some learners at Sivwa Community School were seen dressed in different attire which showed what they would want to become when they complete their secondary education.
The pupils do a role play
The teachers together with the learners organized activities to encourage discussion about supporting learners to stay in school. This brought in some reasons as to why it is important that learners stay in school and what measures can be put in place to help them stay in school. One parent who is also the Mpando Village Headman told the audience it is very important for learners to stay in school because they would help their parents in future with buying of farming inputs and other necessities at home. He expressed happiness to see his grandson who was able to speak English and always expressed happiness to see mostly young women and men in different offices which he goes to in town. He encouraged learners to also come to school every school day because good attendance brings in good performance.
The multipurpose room at Sivwa Community School was filled to capacity on Parent Engagement Day!
The zonal head teacher Mr Josphat Mbewe of Nyamtuma Primary School participated in the engagement day at Sivwa and also encouraged the parents to take keen interest in supporting their children to further their education. Mr. Mbewe went further to encourage the parents to support the learners to reach secondary education.
Some pupils wear costumes in line with their career aspiration. Mr. John Phiri, Head Teacher, is in graduation robes speaking to the learners about the connection between education and future prosperity.
Engaging parents as partners in education leads to greater success for learners, so we were grateful to have this exciting day filled with exciting activities.