GLOW Clubs in 2020!

This week’s email comes from Fanny Masamba – our Social Programmes Officer. Enjoy!

GLOW is a stand-alone club for girls and women in communities; it stands for Girls Leading Our World. It is a self-led group that explores economic, social and cultural rights of girls and women to improve the understanding on Gender Empowerment and Equality and to increase the capacity to learn Problem Solving and Decision Making. This club is designed for upper primary grades 5, 6 and 7 girls that are 13 years and older.


The aim is that girls participate in a series of thirteen lessons and then continue to meet in their communities and share with other girls. These lessons help and empower girls in attaining knowledge, values, and skills, and helps them make connections that lead to insight and improvement. This club was initially implemented in three schools, Zatose, Joel and Kanyelele in March 2020. The girls were happy to belong to a new club and they showed interest and commitment from the start.

Unfortunately, the outbreak of Covid-19 upended our plans – schools closed and the Glow Club members could not meet anymore. Nevertheless the grade 7 students soon returned to school with the addition Covid-19 preventive measures. This gave an opportunity for the grade 7 Glow members to resume their meetings. Over several months, the grade 7 girls covered lessons such as self-esteem and self-worth, setting and achieving goals, decision-making skills, problem-solving and communication. It was great to see the excitement on the girls faces as they discussed topics that assured them a bright future. The girls became dedicated to the club and started coming regularly.

When schools reopened for all students in September, the fifth and sixth grade Glow club resumed! With the initial three clubs going so well, we decided to expand the club to additional schools, Mkale, Mkhazika and Mnyaula. We were especially excited to have caring facilitators join the group and reach so many more young girls. At the end of the term the grade seven girls graduated and proudly received certificates of completion! A feedback session with the facilitators gave us many insights about the club that we will use to address concerns and improve the program in 2021. We are excited for Glow to begin again in January!


Reshma Patel