Go Green Day!

As this school year comes to a close in Zambia, I wanted to take a minute to highlight “Go Green Day” – a fun-filled day focused on environmental conservation, with a ton of hands-on projects.  Part of this work is generously funded by the Addax & Oryx Foundation, who have helped us launch various environmental projects – including rainwater harvesting, tree planting, and upcycling activities. Our teachers and staff helped make this day come alive in so many creative ways and I wanted to highlight just a few of them today!


Above: Students in Kanyelele’s Grade 3 class studied flowered and non-flowering plants, explored a nearby stream to find different plants, and then made leaf print paintings using different plant parts!


 Above: Grade 5 Students had a walk around the community, collecting soil types, and talking to community members about the best types of soil for different crops. Then they made their own soil profile bottles and had a fun quiz!


As climate change continues to worsen, over 85% of rural households are affected by worsening crop land conditions. This exacerbates the situation beyond an environmental issue, but also a food security one. In particular, the areas that we work are drought-prone and the conservation and efficient use of water becomes critical. Go Green Day is part of our Impact Earth work, centered on combatting the effects of climate change and integrating upcycling, conservation, and climate education for our students. To that end, we are excited that in 2023, we will be partnering with Earth Warriors to provide a child-friendly environmental curriculum in grades one through four. Stay tuned for more!

Reshma Patel