It's never just a game!

Last month saw the culmination of 4 months and 1,800 games of league netball in the Impact Network NetGirls Zambia League as 100 teams were whittled down to just 4 Junior and 4 Varsity teams competing in the Playoffs to become 2019 Champions.

 After a very apprehensive few days where saw the first, very unexpected and unseasonal rains, the clouds parted and we enjoyed a beautiful, sunny day on the playing fields of our local primary school.  

Due to start play at 10:30 the surrounding areas quickly filled with supporters from the team’s villages and the vendors supplying them with cold drinks and fritters. Our PA system & DJ provided a long and loud playlist of local tunes which entertained the crowd and teams as they played.

 As the day wore on the hastily constructed sun shelter (built that morning) became more and more cramped as everyone tried to take advantage of the shade it offered. Only the players didn’t seem to notice how strong the sun became. Their energies never flagged and each game became even more competitive than the last as the stakes increased.

Junior champions 2019, left and Achuche Varsity champions 2019, right.

It is this competitiveness that embodies all the benefits that participation in sport brings. It encourages teamwork at the same time as self-reliance and personal responsibility. It allows women, who much of the time must remain tied to gender roles within the family, to assert themselves emotionally and physically, to gain confidence and self-esteem. In studies it’s found that girls are 3 times more likely to finish school if they participate in sports, and they are less likely to experience early pregnancy. In the US, 82% of the top female executives took part in team sports during their younger years.

The NetGirls Zambia program also benefits from the add-on programmes that are run in conjunction with the league. This year the NetGirls have taken part in a Financial Literacy project which Impact Network is implementing with Mwabu and FSDZambia, where they learned about saving, investing in the future and managing budgets. Shortly they will participate in workshops in which they will learn about reproductive health and make their own reusable sanitary pads.

So it’s not just about a group of girls and women playing a game – it’s so much more!

Having said that, for Achuche in the Varsity League and Smiling Kids in the Junior League, this season was all about Netball and becoming 2019 Netgirls Champions!

 Well done to all of the teams that competed this year, our Zone Managers!

 What an end to a fantastic season! Thanks, Sharon! And huge thanks to Elida who oversaw the league this year.


Reshma Patel