Special Day!
On 23rd June, 2023 all Impact Network schools held a special day of activities related to upcycling. The upcycling day focused on using recyclable local materials to craft different items in line with topics studied in Expressive Arts, Social Studies, Technology Studies and Science. The day was characterized by lots of fun and learner-centered activities and gave an opportunity to all learners to express their knowledge and skills in different subjects with support from their respective class teachers.
The Special Day Project was very interesting to learners and different items were made from recyclable materials. Annelly Phiri, grade 4 class teacher at Kanyelele Community School shared that “The Special Day Project was a success, learners expressed themselves freely and were able to make things according to their abilities. They showcased their talents without any interference.” Teachers and learners chose relevant activities from the project guide provided by the curriculum team. Some teachers even suggested that the project be given more than one day worth of lesson periods to implement because it was very exciting! Aurelia Phiri, grade 7 class teacher at Mkhazhika Community School said “The Special Day Project was well done though some activities like those made using paper mâché…It was indeed a good experience.”
Nkunga Community School - Zambian Coat of Arms made by grade 4 class at Nkunga Community School
The special day is designed to help learners see alternative ways to reduce waste and manager trash in the community. This was in effect at Kapona Community School where Moffat Kaluba shared “Learners learnt a lot of skills that will help them in future. It also contributed to cleanness at school since learners made rubbish bins that we shall use to collect rubbish and throw them in the rubbish pit.”
Martha Phiri, grade 6 and 7 Literacy teacher at Mchembwe Community School noted that students were highly interested in these activities. “There was high attendance among learners because the day was full of fun activities, not just the normal lessons. We also had a variety of activities provided in the project guide to choose from and also chose activities that were interesting to learners.”
We are excited to offer these enriching and exciting special days each term. These activities allow pupils to review content from their lessons in a new and exciting way and create a fun way for students and teachers to interact and enjoy school.
Mnyaula Community School - The grade 7 classes at Mnyaula made the simple circuit using glue, different seeds and manila papers.
Chikoko Community School - A waste-basket made from plastic bottles and wire at Chikoko Community School.
Thanks to the whole team – special days like this require coordination across our Academics and Operations team, as well as our teachers to make a success!