The importance of education...

This week’s email comes from Princesa Gonzalez, one of our NY-based interns this quarter – thank you Princesa!

Growing up, my father always told me that my knowledge was one of the few things that could never be taken from me. He shared with me how much he wished he had received an education. Both of my parents were born in rural Mexico, and neither of them went past the 4th grade. My father had to stop his schooling very young due to poverty, and my mother was taken out of school in the 4th grade to help with household duties. However, they wanted better for me and pushed the importance of education on me. I’m now a senior at The University of Texas at Austin, the number one university in Texas. I understand how big of an accomplishment this is for a first-generation student like myself, but I also understand how privileged I’ve been to receive an amazing education from a prestigious university. In just one generation, so much has changed for my family. With the education I received, I am able to open so many doors for us. This is why I believe in the importance of education; it can truly change the lives of so many individuals.

Last spring semester, when I was accepted into UTNY, a live and learn program offered by my university, I had to decide what I wanted to do with my time in New York. I had applied to about 20 internships before I found Impact Network. I remember looking at the website for Impact Network and being taken aback by all the amazing work they were doing. I saw my parents in Impact Networks work. My mother would have hugely benefited from a program like Impact Girls, and my father would have loved to have received free schooling in his rural town. I felt so strongly about their mission and decided to take the plunge and apply. I wanted to spend my semester in New York doing something meaningful, not only for myself but for others.

My dream has always been to be a public interest lawyer working in the nonprofit sector. Katie and Reshma took a chance on me, and by doing so, they solidified my future plans. I strongly believe that everyone deserves a proper education whether in Mexico, Zambia or anywhere in the world. I will continue to work towards that goal. I can only hope that I’ll be as impactful as Impact Network one day.

Thank you, Princesa – we can’t wait to see what you accomplish next.

Reshma Patel