The learning spaces are super unique...

Early Childhood Education (ECE) has become a critical area of focus, owing to the global recognition of the importance of early years for future outcomes. These early years provide for the development of the child’s social, physical, cognitive, creative, moral and emotional capabilities. What is learned in the early years has a long and lasting impact on the child.

It is for this purpose that Impact Network proudly joined the cause in providing holistic development to children between the age of 3 and 6, starting with a pilot at Joel in 2019. When our schools were hit by COVID-19 last year, our expansion was delayed, but we were ready for this at the beginning of 2021. With support from the Addax & Oryx Foundation, we were able to launch ECE in seven schools this year! Over the past year, we embarked on the construction of additional classrooms, erecting play parks, painting bright murals and distributing necessary items such as bamboo mats, smaller-sized furniture and learning toys.

Construction of the new ECE classrooms was initiated after an assessment of space at our schools was made. The shortage of space at both Kalowe and Mkale Schools meant that we needed to construct a single classroom extension to accommodate the new classes. While Kalowe was completed at the end of last year 2020, construction at Mkale was done in term 1 this year. What was unique about this build was that it was the fastest project we have completed to date!


Because small children learn so much through play, we wanted to create a special place for them to do that outside and we worked closely with the community on this. During a PTA meeting it was agreed that a committee would be elected to create, monitor and maintain a locally-resourced play park. Their hard work was greatly appreciated!

With the help of Emmanuel Lungu, an Operations Coordinator and Agnes Phiri, a teacher at Mkale, we have the first colorful mural started. It will have different colored pencils on the wall and the ECE teachers are very excited as they will use this area to teach utoto and kubelenga manambala, which mean colors and counting numbers respectively.


I am really grateful to be part of the story of the ECE class preparations. The dedication found in our teachers of these earliest classrooms really touches me. The learning spaces are super unique and I look forward to the time when the ECE children graduate to upper grades and will be able to tell this tale.

Lweendo Maanya ~ Logistics and Community Relations Lead

Reshma Patel