The only way to do great work is to love what you do...

”Ability is what you’re capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.” – Lou Holtz

There are times when one might not discover their full potential in a certain area because they only concentrated on what they thought they could do best. My journey at Impact Network has been full of joy and lots of learning opportunities. Just two years ago, I was hired as a Data Coordinator. Little did I know that my focus would drastically shift within a year and ultimately lead me to an area I had never considered – Human Resources.

I began 2019 as an Administrative Manager; this was a big step and a huge responsibility for me as I had previously only worked as an Administrative Assistant. While working in that role, I was given an opportunity to work very closely with the Head of Academics to strengthen our administrative processes, including our hiring practices. My responsibilities later tilted towards HR and I set about strengthening the processes that would help guide the organization for years to come. Cora, our Operations Development Advisor, also added more to the HR processes such that we now have excellent reference materials.

Then, earlier this year, I was given a great opportunity to attend the Global Schools Forum (GSF) Inaugural Spotlight on Talent in Johannesburg. This particular event gave me an opportunity to view HR issues from many different angles and I had an opportunity to interact with other people from 19 GSF regional member organizations. We exchanged great ideas which were not only beneficial to me as an individual, but also which have and will continue to benefit our organization. The core topic of the event was retention, specifically, selecting the right person for the role, methods to motivate and celebrate staff as well as how to incorporate a career ladder as a retention tool.

The GSF Spotlight on Talent was really helpful to all member organizations present as it gave us a platform to share our organization’s HR practices. This in turn provided a space to learn from one another and take what was most applicable back with us.


What’s next?

Since my trip to Johannesburg, I have joined a number of webinars and collaborative sessions that GSF has offered and I really enjoy the community and frequent learning opportunities it provides. It is my responsibility to ensure that our staff feel supported, are treated equitably, and that our policies remain transparent. I also plan to continually develop my professional abilities for my own benefit as well as the organizations’. Above all, I will remain open and adaptable because that is what has brought me to my current career trajectory.

“The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle.” —Steve Jobs

-Samuel Shawa, Human Resources Manager

Reshma Patel