"Waste is only waste when we waste it..."

Upcycling in the classroom

Our upcycling project is aimed at creating something new and useful from discarded materials by repairing, refurbishing or repurposing them. The objective of this project is to find new ways to creatively re-use and repurpose materials that we would otherwise be dispose of in rubbish pits that are typically burned. Our project not only provides a new perspective on old material, but is educational and environmentally conscience. A huge thank you to Addax & Oryx Foundation for their support on this project!

Waste is only waste when we waste it” ~Will.i.am

By utilizing our upcycling manual which is rich in ideas and inspiration, our projects and classrooms are benefiting. During the past few months, our teachers have also been creating various teaching aids and classroom items which can be used on a daily basis in the classrooms. These include phonics counters from bottle caps, rubbish bins and dustpans made from plastic bottles, storing baskets from discarded boxes, plastic bags and fabric scraps.

The projects department has also started making biodegradable planters from toilet paper rolls and will explain the process of the paper breaking down to students when planting trees at more schools.

“It’s not about what it is. It’s about what it can become” ~Dr Seuss

Upcycling is limitless. With schools reopening this month, our teachers will guide pupils to create even more items from rubbish for our classrooms. By involving pupils in upcycling, we aren’t just helping to reduce community waste, but also teaching valuable lessons about environmental sustainability and creative problem solving! We look forward too many more upcycling projects in and around our schools.

- Busiwa Namwila & Irving Lukoma, Projects Officers

Reshma Patel