Many Stories Matter...

In the wake of the recent death of George Floyd, so many of our fellow citizens are protesting against injustice, bigotry, and racism. If you are among them, I stand with you and I’m wishing you safety. On days like this, I don’t have a lot of wisdom to offer. Instead, I offer my favorite TED talk by an author I adore – Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.

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Reshma Patel
Learning is an experience

“Stay Home” – the slogan is omnipresent, even in Zambia where the COVID-19 cases are recently increasing. For our Impact Network teachers, our schools closed ten weeks ago under orders from the Ministry of General Education. Ever since, 170 teachers of Impact Network have been practicing physical distancing and staying safe. We recently launched Impact Radio to help keep our students learning, but how can we continue to engage our teachers in remote work?

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Reshma Patel
Introducing Impact Radio...

In late March, around the time that schools were closing around the globe, our team held a series of brainstorming sessions to better understand our options to continue schooling for our students. Unlike many schools, online learning and mobile learning aren’t viable options for us – the vast majority of our students lack access to an internet-enabled device, a stable network, and more importantly, power.

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Reshma Patel
Stay Home, Stay Safe.

Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, so many businesses and organizations have started to shift their focus to be able to better serve their community. For our part, Impact Network has a few projects in the works that we are excited to announce in the coming weeks!

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Reshma Patel
Happy Earth Day

Wednesday, April 22 was Earth Day – the 50th anniversary in fact. Earth Day was created to raise awareness and bring people together to help protect the planet. This year was a very unique Earth Day as people all across the world are celebrating online and staying home to stop the spread of the Coronavirus. 

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Reshma Patel
The Godfather of Handwashing...

I heard a podcast recently and learned about a scientist who lived in the 1800s and was the earliest advocate of handwashing. His story feels particularly powerful now, given all that we do know about viruses – and also because of all that we don’t know.

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Reshma Patel
On Joy and Sorrow

In search of a little bit of inspiration this week, I reread a few passages from Kahlil Gibran’s The Prophet – and then realized that this week was the 89th anniversary of his death on April 10, 1931.

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Reshma Patel
Don’t forget to count your blessings…

With the spread of the Coronavirus around the globe, it seems we are constantly being bombarded with bad news. We hear of new cases, new deaths, struggling businesses, and overwhelmed health care systems. It’s hard to stay positive when so much news is negative.

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Reshma Patel
Free Online Learning Resources

The spread of the Coronavirus has shut down schools, museums, and theaters. In this time of quarantine and social distance, however, companies are stepping up to ensure we still have free access to education and cultural activities.

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Reshma Patel
You educate a woman; you educate a generation

March marks Women’s History Month, a time where we celebrate the achievements of women and the strides we have taken towards equality. While there is much to celebrate, there is also much to be improved. Currently, there are 132 million girls who are out of school and do not have access to an education. 

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katie kerr
Gates Notes 2020...

Each year Bill & Melinda Gates publish an annual letter reflecting on their progress at the Gates Foundation. This year marks 20 years for the foundation, so the letter is particularly compelling.  

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Reshma Patel